About Us

Thank you for visiting our store today, and we hope we can fulfill your expectations during this visit. 

We are a small family owned business, and, as the 'Mom in charge' of this business, I decided to use my female nurturing nature to make sure that my customers know they are appreciated, and not just another point of sale! 

I dedicate this online store to my Mother (Linda) who worked very hard all of her life, but still never had the money to shop at any luxury stores.  At the onset of this business I wanted to provide quality luxurious products at discounted price points in memory of her.  

We realize that our customers have so many other choices of where to spend their hard earned money, so we are honored, and we promise we will never take your business for granted!

Being a small family owned business allows us to give you that personal touch, so if you are looking for something in particular, drop it in the chat, or email us at the bottom of this page, and we will find that special gift/product for you.  We offer print on demand products, so if you want a personalized product or gift, just let us know!

We give all the glory to God for any & all success in this business, and we pray, with thanksgiving, for each and every customer that shops with us, and hopefully, returns to shop with us.

From our family to yours... welcome to 'The Luxury Discount Shop' and we look forward to serving you!

Blessings to you,
Sincerely, Leesa.. (or as my grandkids call me, Mimi)  :-)